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Assoc. Prof. David Bulmer

University Of Cambridge, UK

Dr David Bulmer completed his PhD in cardiovascular physiology at University College London before joining GlaxoSmithKline as an electrophysiologist, progressing to team leader within the Neurology & GI Centre of Excellence in Drug Discovery.  In 2009 David took up a position at Queen Mary University of London on an MRC Skills Gap Fellowship, where he set up a translational research lab dedicated to the use of human tissue to study visceral nociception in gastrointestinal disease. Key findings include the first in vitro recordings of human colonic nociceptor activity, single cell profiling of the mouse colonic afferent transcriptome and causes of peripheral sensitisation in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). David has been an invited speaker at international meetings such as the World Congress on Pain, Society for Neuroscience, and the Digestive Disease Week.  In 2017 he moved to the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Cambridge where he is an Associate Professor and continues to investigate the causes of pain in IBS and colitis.